Our products are intended for personal use only, and purchases made through our retail website for resale are strictly prohibited. Only authorized distributors are permitted to resell Diamond Bakery products, and we are not currently accepting new distributors. Maintaining the integrity of the Diamond Bakery brand is essential to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality products. Should we suspect that your order is intended for resale, it may be cancelled, and you will receive a full refund.
濃縮小麦粉(小麦粉、ナイアシン、還元鉄、チアミンモノニレート、リボフラビン、葉酸)、全粒粉、水、砂糖、パーム油、黒砂糖、2% 未満含まれる物: 糖蜜、塩、重曹、アンモニウム、酵素、乳清酸、バニラエキス(水、アルコール、グリセリン)、蜂蜜、麦芽、トウモロコシ、メタビスルフィットナトリウム、インバートシュガー。